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Sunday 3 February 2013


In life, you go through times where you think you will never see the light, that it's impossible to ever get through that time, and you don't know what you're gonna do. Then, that certain person who you can ALWAYS rely on, comes running to your aid, to walk with you, side by side, to get you through to the end. That person for me, is my best friend Clare . We've been friends since before we can remember, and have always been there for each other in times of need. 

Now we're moving on, and live far apart, Skype has become our lifesaver, and whenever she comes home from University, we always without fail, first thing, go for a walk around our local park. Today was a cold miserable day, but the swans were out and about which is always pretty! 

Moral of the story is, always make time and effort for the person who always makes the time and effort for you. Keep building on the friendships that have survived the test of time, and don't worry about those that haven't. 


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